Knights of the card table

Getting its start as a game jam game, Dungeon Dealer, we started this project with physical prototype cards in an effort to keep mechanics simple and enjoyable. An Apple game of the day at one point. Artwork by the amazing James WAR Lloyd
I'm oddly proud of the writing I did for this one.

Blue-Collar Astronaut

My "Learn Unity" project that got a bit out of hand... eventually released on PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Steam (PC/Linux/OSX), and WiiU (yes, really) at the same time. I learned lessons about the effects of prolonged sleep deprivation on the human psyche.
A Lunar Lander like game about the oppressive nature of student loans in the USA, some mechanics around gender pay gaps, and probably the only game to have real lottery odds.

Another game jam game. I really liked how this one turned out. Michael, from PonyWolf, has been perfecting a level generator for awhile, and we put it through the paces. It shows plenty of signs of being made in the off hours over the course of 7 days, but there's good meat on that bone.

Rogue Meteor
Flat Earths!

You guessed it, a game jam game. However we spent some time afterwards to polish it up a decent amount. Eventually even converted it from Solar 2D to Unity. Not necessarily because one was better than the other, but just to give an idea of the work involved.
A solid couch deathmatch option if you're looking for a good hour or two of fun times.

Hell or high noon

Deck build your way out of the heat with all the available tools the wild west has to offer. Clutch your purse tightly as you barrel past wave after wave of enemies in order to take down the Big Baddy and secure his oasis for yourself.
This one doesn't 100% work... but I swear it's almost there.